Thursday, 13 March 2008

Perhaps to gag the press from reporting on the questioning, or for more funds?

Jornal de Notícias

The journalists of Express Newspapers, the British media group that holds four tabloids, are forbidden to write about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The editorial decision was made after the parents of the child that has been missing for almost a year announced that they are preparing to sue the publications over articles that they consider "defamatory and rude".

The ban affects all the newspapers of the group - Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star and Daily Star Sunday - and left the reporters "furious".


Rori Hegarty said...

morning dove, what wimps the express group are to be threatned by the pink plonker. For goodness sake they have threatned to sue so many publications iv lost count.It will be interesting to see what way the express group report when and if the mc canns et al are charrged. The double standards in the reporting of this case and the case of scarlett keeling are dispicable.

Dove said...

Morning Isis
Yes, I'll be watching the Express! I hope that rather than apologize, the papers start reporting carefully worded truth about what's happening now. Then let them sue, as the Macs would be mad to mess with the press and would be forced to prove that the papers were lying.

Rori Hegarty said...

Dove, i have always found it strange that the express have left the comments on line and we know the depth of feeling on that forum. What is puzzling is that the express were uisuslly repoeting a story a day after the mail had printed it which would lead you to believe that is was the comments on the forum that pink plonker was more afraid of. The comments to the mail were never too harsh on the mc canns et al as the mods on the mail forum must have been scrutinising the comments more carefully. As with the mirror forum i am beginning to believe that some posters had come a tad close to the truth in their opinions.

Rori Hegarty said...

cut back McCann coverageLeigh Holmwood, Thursday March 13 2008 Article historyAbout this articleClose This article was first published on on Thursday March 13 2008. It was last updated at 11:31 on March 13 2008.
Kate and Gerry McCann: threat of legal action forced Express to scale back coverage. Photograph: Getty

Together with Princess Diana and the weather, the case of missing toddler Madeleine McCann has been one of the Daily Express's most popular recurring stories. But no longer, it seems.

Following the threat of legal action from Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry over what their spokesman Clarence Mitchell described as a series of "wildly and grossly defamatory" articles, the paper, together with its Express Newspapers stablemates the Sunday Express, the Daily Star and Daily Star Sunday, has removed all references to the missing girl from its website search engine.

The Daily Express - the most prolific paper in covering the McCann case - has also notably toned down its print coverage over the past few weeks. The paper has not splashed on Madeleine McCann for well over a fortnight. Prior to that, she was regularly the lead story.

It is thought the threat of legal action by the McCanns has forced the Express Newspapers titles to scale back their coverage.

Mitchell confirmed to last week that the McCanns had instructed leading libel law firm Carter-Ruck to push for a settlement with Express Newspapers, although he dismissed as "wildly speculative" reports that the couple wanted £4m.

Readers searching for stories on Madeleine on both the Daily Express and Daily Star websites will struggle to find any mention, with both sites reporting zero articles on their search services despite publishing hundreds since she disappeared in Portugal in May last year.

Despite the removal of references to Madeleine, she remains one of the most popular online search requests among both titles' readers, taking up five of the top nine searches listed on the Express website, including the top three. Princess Diana comes fourth.

On the Daily Star's website, four of the 15 top searches listed are about Madeleine.

A spokesman for Express Newspapers declined to comment on the removal of the articles from the company's websites.

An email from the Daily Express online editor, Geoff Marsh, quoted on the website, said: "For operational reasons, some articles previously available on have been temporarily removed. I'm afraid I can't go into any more detail."

Carter-Ruck partner Adam Tudor, who is representing the McCanns, told last week that the complaints against Express Newspapers were ongoing.

However, it is thought the case could be settled imminently.

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Madeleine McCann Printable version Send to just in case you dont get to read it on the 3As.

Dove said...

Many thanks for that brilliant information, well done.

Rori Hegarty said...

Have just actually read this part , how i didnt see it yesterday i dont know... im after spitting my coffee all over the screen!!
A while ago I suggested that some members of the Tapas9 might use any trick to avoid answering seems that already there are comments that some of the said group have taken to sticking knitting needles up their noses and pulling knickers over their heads, I saw one of them the other day and asked: 'Why the knickers and knitting needles?' but he just said...'wibble'

Rori Hegarty said...

Actually dove, is there anything we can do to increase readership of this blog ??

Dove said...

Nope, coz I only started it the other day. Your posts are good though, nice to have you here and see your posts on the 3ars. any of your snippets are welcome here.

Rori Hegarty said...

You're Nicked

Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:47 am
Posts: 207
Location: Lisbon, Pt Madeleine McCann: The British damaged the Investigation ... maged.html

Book about Madeleine defends the PJ and criticizes the British Interference

After writing “The Star of Joana”, the inspector Paulo Cristóvão decided to write “Madeleine’s Star” in honor of the colleagues who work in the case.
The author challenges the readers to solve an enigma...

When the Editorial Presença (Publishing Company) proposed to Paulo Pereira Cristóvão a book about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the inspector of the Judiciary only accepted with a condition: to speak freely on the investigation, even if it would bother the McCanns and the British police. “This is a troubling book, but I am free to write what my conscience dictates me”, admits to 24horas the inspector who got the seventh place of the books most sold with the “Star of Joana”. Paulo Cristóvão was one of the inspectors who investigated the disappearance of Joana (see bellow) and in that process he knows which steps were taken. In “Madeleine’s Star – where, when, how, who, what and why”, the inspector basis is book on conversations with colleagues of work, on the news, in the police intervention and, especially, in the political influence that the investigation “was subjected to”.

“When we have the prime minister of a country saying that he is going to speak with his English counterpart on a process-crime that is ongoing, there is influence ”, he affirms. And it is on the basis of this influence and with the “British interference” that the author places two inspectors of the PJ Francisco Meirelles and João Gomes (fictitious names) in the field.

Desenrascados* (impossible translation into English, see bellow for more information on the meaning, the nearest in English is Improvisation/Resourcefulness)

The book begins with two inspectors being informed of the disappearance of a child in a resort in the Praia da Luz. “The information arrived late. There was already an English TV team, the embassy, the British police and a superior office of the PJ with knowledge of the disappearance, and only then the squad of the PJ was informed ”, he tells. “ Time was wasted and, then, the police 'kneeled down' before a theory that was built from the outside to inside. And the damaged ones are going to be the Portuguese police officers”, he accuses. Along the book, which Paulo Cristóvão prefers not to reveal, the portrait of the work of two inspectors does not forget the intervention of the British police: "Their dogs, their laboratories. Why?”

Paulo Pereira Cristóvão confesses that after several publications on the case, he intends to bring a different approach and "Pro-Portuguese” view. “I want to demonstrate that though we are poor; we have the capacity to improvise* (against all odds). And that the intervention from the English authorities only damaged the work of my colleagues”, he says. And therefore the book is dedicated to his ex-colleagues of Portimão, Faro and from the Central Direction of Combat to the Banditism. “Madeleine’s Star” ends with an enigmatic sentence. Who is able to solve it has the key to what the author thinks on what happened to Maddie. Until now nobody got it right. Paulo Cristóvão invites you to try to solve it after Tuesday.

“Defense of the national flag”

24horas – Does “Madeleine's Star” intend to defend the PJ after the rain of criticism which you where targeted by?

Paulo Cristóvão – It’s an assumed defense of the PJ, of the police officers who were and are working in the case and it is a defense of the national flag itself.

24horas – After all, what do you think that happened to Madeleine?

PC – Legal imperatives prevent me from saying.

24horas – Does you believe that this case is going to be resolved?

PC – Depends on what is understood for resolved. The knowledge of the police officers is clarified, but that is different from the processual demonstration. I fear that the photography of Maddie is going to remain during much more time in the page of the missing persons.

24horas – You talk about “British influences” in the investigation. If the PJ was acting alone, would the case be resolved?

PC – It’s now time of the police to return to the hands of the police....

24horas – How do you face the criticism that the criminalist Barra da Costa wove on “The Star of Joana”? [In an interview to 24horas Barra da Costa said that the book had been written in haste to create “an official truth”]

PC – Of the extensive bibliography in which the doctor Barra da Costa culminated his book [” Maddie, Joana and the Criminal Investigation, the hidden truth ”], it should have the process of the case Joana – that is public – and the Madeleine one. The “Star of Joana” took me 3,5 years to be written. His book finishes like it begins, with “the hidden truth”.

Accused of torture

Paulo Pereira Cristóvão, 38 years, left the Judiciary police last year. He is one of the inspectors which was sent to the Algarve to contribute with the colleagues of Portimão in the investigation of the case “Joana “. He is going to face trial to answer for the crime of torture. According to the accusation of the Public Ministry, Leonor Cipriano was beaten up to confessing what she had done to the daughter. The inspector questions the fact that some medical examinations done to Leonor show that the bruises in the face were done from a fall and others point to aggression.

* Desenrascanço is a Portuguese word used in common language in Portugal, to express an ability to solve a problem without the adequate tools or proper technique to do so and by use of sometimes imaginative resourcefulness when facing new situations. Often used to describe the capacity to improvise in the most extraordinary situations possible, against all odds, achieved when resulting in a hypothetical good-enough solution. When that good solution escapes us we get a failure ( enrascanço - entanglement). Most Portuguese people strongly believe it to be one of their most valued virtues and a living part of their culture.

Source:24 Horas: ... 91&link=11
page 11


Taken from the 3As ,translation by exclamation. MOrning Dove !!

Dove said...

Good news about Shannon a genuine case where the police have worked hard and the Macs have tried to take credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rori Hegarty said...

Shannons story seems to be a complicated one, i hope she can overcome whatever trauma she has endured. Was watching the coverage on sky when up pops the pink plonker,it was a surreal momenr as it was very out of place. Lost my appetite once the wave of nausea overcame me im afraid.

Dove said...

I have a new thread on how the disgusting Macs are free-loading on Shannon's story, taking away the joy that the parents feel, the trauma will be hard for the poor sweetheart, but let's hope that she receives all the help in the world to move on in her life, bless that darling child and her parents and loved ones.